Markets - Energy
New Products in Alternative Energy Require the Moldability and Durability of Thermoset Composites
Renewable energy applications represent a substantial opportunity for Sheet Molding Compound (SMC), Bulk Molding Compound (BMC) and IDI’s new lines of high performance composites (Ultrium, Fortium, Flamevex and Alluralite) that are manufactured for the most demanding applications. Solar power tiles and wind turbines are two ideal applications; both require material that can withstand extended exposure to sun and natural elements and composites with dimensional stability. In addition to providing superior material properties, molded SM and BMC components provide exceptional cost savings due to parts consolidation. Other advantages of thermoset composites for energy include:

- Structural rigidity and weight
- Resistance to UV deterioration
- Resistance to natural elements
- Fire code compliant
- Dielectric strength
- Electrical insulation